So with just over a month to go, we thought we would tell you about our first lot of speakers for WordCamp Jakarta 2019!
We’re happy to welcome our first six speakers 🙂
Ryan Kristo Muljono

Shintaries Nijerinda
Hello, my name is Shintaries. I’m a WordPress user since 2012 and fans of StudioPress. Using framework is my shortcut to understand how WordPress works in seamless way. In this session, I will giving some tips and trick how to easily understand WordPress for female or beginner. Hopefully I can share my 6 years experiences with WordPress and more female will be interest using WordPress.
Matt Jaworski
“I am a professional nerd with over a decade of experience in the field of Open Source web development. Before PeepSo I was a contractor and have helped build successful businesses around the world, including USA, UK, Germany, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Stepping up from the role of contractor to business owner, I became PeepSo founder and Chief Technology Officer. I strive to build beautiful, fast and functional software that empowers the users to build their own digital tribes with full autonomy and freedom often not available on the mainstream social networking media.
As a location independent digital nomad I travel almost constantly, although over the past four years I have spent most of my time in Bali, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
When not in front of my laptop I usually have fun with my beautiful fiancée Olivia: traveling, riding motorbikes, trying new foods and doing (acro)yoga.”
Fachruzi Ramadhan
13 tahun di dunia programming membuat saya ingin mencoba membagikan apa yang saya ketahui, saya memulai program pertama saya “Hello World” pada tahun 2005 dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python, saya pun banyak menggunakan wordpress untuk kebutuhan project pribadi, namun dalam 2 tahun kebelakang saya sibuk dengan pekerjaan kantor untuk mengembangkan aplikasi “Multi-Channel Selling Software for Amazon, eBay, & WooCommerce”.
Agus Muhammad
Agus is a WordPress enthusiast since 2007. WordPress is always his first choice when building a website. Agus is also an earth scientist, teacher, blogger, and internet marketer.
Adrianti R.
My name is Adrianti R. a.k.a Adrin, I’m 20 years old. I was fresh graduated from Udayana University for Informatics Engineering and now working at Web Groovin as a Junior Developer. Web Groovin is a Web Design and Digital Marketing company based in Bali. I’ve been using WordPress since 2017 but intensively since April 2018 because the company I work for also uses WordPress as the main platform for building website. I choose WordPress for development because its easy to maintain and easy for end user to use.