All attendees are expected to abide by our code of conduct, please make sure you read and agree to this before buying a ticket.
(Semua peserta wajib mengikuti aturan, dan pastikan Anda telah membaca dan menyetujuinya sebelum membeli tiket.)
Tickets are also payable using PayPal or Credit Card Via Stripe (US Dollar Only).
(Ticket dapat dibayar menggunakan Paypal dan Kartu Kredit dalam US Dollar )
This event has completed.
Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan, silahkan menghubungi kami di
For community-building and promotional purposes, there will be volunteer and/or professional photographers and videographers at the WordCamp event. By attending the event, you consent to your image being used in resulting photos or videos that may show your participation in the WordCamp.